The NOSTÁLGICA Series (Est. Circa 1998 or so), was the first collection of strangely familiar artifacts created under the ongoing “Elgreen Project.” This array of illustrations, were intended to depict objects I remembered from my childhood. Each of them was conceived by a ludic exercise, consisting in reassembling all of its components just by memory. “A ritual to contain the past in a tangible form.” What started just as a playful game of memory, quickly became a portal of nostalgia where once imprisoned ideas from my childhood were liberated; quickly morphing into a never-ending and expanding universe of collected thoughts.

The importance of this series is absolutely critical, as it was seminal to Elgreen Project’s later complex ramifications, and it was necessary to understand my intentions as an artist, illustrator and designer.

I can describe the “NOSTÁLGICA Series,” as an introspective and intimate look of my deepest self. A walk through a whimsical, and strange childhood, built by assembling a gigantic puzzle made out of a-mix-of-assorted: toys, logos, kitchen and household products, appliances and plastic containers for food storage and public sculptures in my hometown.

As a strong (but still undefined) theory:
The logo I created for this collection, was unconsciously based on the weird ornamental symbols printed on the old Tupperware food containers, found everywhere at my aunts house (where I grew up). I clearly remember asking myself the meaning behind them.

I think the logo itself, perfectly captures the nature of this project, as it was created as an automatic response of codified symbols embedded in my memory; just placed without hesitation, waiting to be decoded and finally revealed.

Why going back?

I realized that going back to the very essence of these projects was necessary to keep expanding Elgreen Project. Like an unsolved mystery case, I needed to go back and carefully look for more clues.
I’m going back again, in order to look forward.
As a serendipitous consequence, the peculiar objects that started all, are coming back to keep expanding this universe, but first, let’s go back to “square one.” #logo


No.001 Scruby